Writing a blog, not something I ever thought I would be doing. It has been challenging to say the least, as learning new skills can sometimes be.
My name is Willo and I work in the field of energy medicine and energy psychology. I am a Quantum Touch energy practitioner and an advanced EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner living on the Wirral. I spent a long time deciding what the subject should be, I didn’t want to start by talking about the actual therapies I do. I wanted to say something that everyone could relate to and that would be interesting.
Eventually, I decided to go back to basics and start with something that I believe is important for everyone. I wanted to pass on some information about the self-help techniques available to help us manage stress, anxiety, fear and trauma. Techniques which can help us to get us ‘out of our heads’ when we are becoming overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts that can be debilitating.
Feeling healthy and positive about ourselves and life reduces anxiety and stress. When we feel stress or anxiety building taking time to be in nature, dancing, having a long pampering bath, yoga, guided meditations, affirmations or whatever it is that works for you are important tools and it is good to remind ourselves of the things that make us feel good.
Sometimes emotions, memories and reliving trauma can be completely overwhelming and we may need other tools in our kit that we pull out to calm ourselves down. The tools we have in our tool kit are necessary for our physical and mental wellbeing and enable us to help ourselves in the moment; we can learn how to bring ourselves back into our bodies and into the present so we can relax and take a moment think properly.
There are many tools (techniques) out there these days and it is easy now with the internet to find some that will work for you. Some of the first techniques I learnt were centering/grounding techniques and I used them myself for many years. As a (then) mental health social worker I also taught these techniques to others.
My particular favourite of those first techniques I learnt for helping reduce anxiety and panic in the first instance was the box breathing technique.
Very simply – Breathe in for the count of four, hold for the count of four, breathe out for the count of four and hold for the count of four. For this exercise it is important to focus on the breathing, feel the breath entering your body, feel it filling your lungs, acknowledging the holds and the breath out.
Mindful breathing distracts from the thoughts and emotions we are feeling and brings attention back into the body. This type of breathing not only helps your brain relax but also aids in lowering your heart rate and blood pressure.
There are many different types of breathing techniques so find the one that works for you. It takes a little time to perfect but can bring instant relief when needed. Breathing exercises I believe should definitely be everyone’s tool kit
Historically, I would follow this breathing/centering technique with another which consists of acknowledging the senses.
Ask, what can I see? (name it out loud or silently) really look at it, what colour, shape or texture is it, notice everything you can to the smallest detail. Then, what can I hear (name it again) describe it to yourself, is it loud, quiet, unusual or is there more than one thing? What can I smell is next (name it) describe it to yourself, do I recognize it and do I like it or not? Then, what can I feel (name it) touch something nearby or if there is nothing then touch your own leg or face and think about how it feels. Lastly, what can I taste? if I have a piece of gum or a lozenge I pop it in my mouth (and name it) describe the sensation and the flavor. If I don’t have anything to put into my mouth then I describe what my mouth feels like in that moment.
This technique (in my opinion) not only distracts from any disturbing thoughts and emotions but plants us firmly into our bodies. It is an easy technique to learn and once perfected is an exercise or tool that can be pulled out of the tool kit when needed for immediate relief.
For more information on these or similar breathing/centering/grounding techniques have a look at
When I later became an energy medicine practitioner I realised the amazing ability the body and mind have of healing and resetting themselves given the correct circumstances and energetic vibration.
I have the good fortune to have a friend who is an Eden Energy Medicine practitioner. If you have never head of this practice I would recommend it for everyone. Here are the website details but there are also many books written by Donna.
My friend and I went to a 2 day workshop with Donna Eden in 2017. She was amazing to watch and to talk to, so vibrant and happy. She taught me a lot and I am still learning, which is great.
So, in my tool kit on a daily basis I pull out a part of Donna’s daily energy routine. Sometime I do the whole morning routine but more often than not I just do a part because I love it the best and it works for me.
Before I even get out of bed in the morning I do the 4 thumps exercise followed by the hook up. I have always been able to feel other people’s energy. When I was younger I would be pushed and pulled emotionally to the point of overwhelm by other peoples energy and not understand why. I now understand the importance of being grounded in my own energy, in my own body. I use the 4 thumps technique to ensure my energy is moving correctly and then I do the hook up exercise to lock it in place for the day. These exercises can be found on the above website under the heading resources. There you will find The Daily Energy Routine along with YouTube videos of other energy exercises for most anything with better explanations than I could ever give.
One other very simple energy exercise I do as needed is to tap the insides of my wrists together for a few minutes if I am feeling tired. This for me is usually around 4pm and this very simple exercise gives me a natural boost and I am no longer tired – no caffeine or sugar required.
After being injured in a car accident I suffered with neck, back and shoulder pain for over a decade. I heard about EFT Emotional Freedom Technique and wanted to learn how to do it myself. This is one of the therapies I offer and is going to be the subject of a future blog so I’m not going to say much about it here. What I will say is through using EFT (tapping) I tuned into what was really going on with my body and mind and acknowledged the unresolved emotion and trauma that I was still holding on to, which was causing my pain.
To find out more about EFT check out my website at
Or or to find out more about the growing scientific studies and results of EFT have a look at
I have to say that EFT is now my immediate go to if I’m feeling anxious, fearful, if I’m worrying and if I’m in pain, for everything actually. I believe everyone should know how to do it as it is a highly effective tool for any overwhelming emotions. Once learnt it is available to pull out of the kit in an instant.
Finally, anyone who knows me knows I love being outdoors, I love camping and being in nature. I especially like walking around outside on grass or sand barefoot. It is something I do when I feel disconnected or full up. It brings me peace and makes me feel grounded not only in myself but to the earth, in this place, on this planet, connected to everything.
This is also called earthing and there is a growing body of evidence that this practice can actually have real health benefits. I’m interested to learn more about this as it is something I do anyway and is definitely one of the tools in my kit.
So, I have an assortment of tools that I have used over the years and continue to upgrade and use to help when I’m feeling overwhelmed or disconnected. What tools do you have that you already use, possibly without realising and what new tools would you like to add to your kit?